In two weeks you will feel it.

In four weeks you will see it.

In eight weeks you will hear it.

Personal Training Services

I offer private 1 on 1 Personal training sessions in my own studio. These are comprehensive and functional assessments are done prior to program development so that you have a program that is right for you. Ask about multi session discount packages upon arrival. Available for 30-55 minute sessions. Sessions range from $25-$45

Less than 24 hours cancelation notice will be billed for the entire amount of the session.

Online and In Person Personal Trainer

Modern technology is an amazing tool because it allows us to connect even if we are miles away. I offer a variety of online plans that start at $100 per month and can be slightly more with added features. Let’s chat over Zoom or Facetime and talk about your individual needs and goals. We can just do fitness plans or incorporate nutrition in and make it an overall experience. Every workout is customized to your goals and is right in your hand in a custom app. Not sure if online will work for you?

I offer a free 7 day trial, ask me how to get started.

Monthly Coaching Packages

I offer comprehensive online coaching that is designed to help you be successful in your health or weight loss journey. I'm here to help you find your groove and a plan that is sustainable for you.  Health and fitness coaching packages will be customized to YOU and include workouts and nutritional guidance, face to face (Via Zoom) biweekly check in calls, evaluation of labs and bio markers, supplementation, life coaching and access to me for questions and concerns along the way. Even better, all of this is accessible on a custom app that allows us to communicate feely and gives yo a dashboard with clear instruction of your daily tasks, workouts and progress tracking.

I would love to see what we can design for you. 

Comprehensive monthly coaching starting at $225 per month ( See programs page)
